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TRC Skittles Night
Skittles Night on September 1st Starting 7-30pm
At The Ship Inn at Redbridge
(SO15 ONN)

Cost per Person £9.50 to include a meal choice from the menu
If no meal is required cost will be £2.00 per person partners and children welcome
¼ Roast Chicken
10oz Cumberland Sausage
Whole Tail Scampi
Spicy Vegetable Samosa
¼lb Vegetable Burger
Cod Fillet
All served with chips and salad garnish
payment details are cash, cheque payable to Totton running club or DD Sort Code 40-44-25 Account 71310305.
If paying by cash or cheque put in a envelope with your name on and menu choice hand to me on training night.
Many thanks
Menu Choices
This year we are limited to 45 people so please book early to avoid disappointment.
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