AGM Report
Totton's annual general meeting was held at Totton Sports Club on Wednesday 16th September starting promptly at 19:30. The minutes of the previous AGM were discussed and it was decided to approve them at a later date once some omissions had been corrected.
This was followed by a series of reports on the years' racing and activities. Kylie reflected on the success of Totton's running events particularly, The Stinger. Rich focussed on individual triumphs in road racing, such as the London Marathon and the new Southampton Half. Mike celebrated the ladies victory in the CC6 for the 3rd time in four years. Finally, Gemma thanked those who contributed to the success of the Running Weekend and it was agreed to hold it again in 2016.
A vote was then held for the position of Club Chairman. Simon Mason and Sean Driscoll spoke about their reasons for wishing to stand, before those present cast their votes. The result was extremely close, with Simon elected to the position of Chairman. Kevin Gardener and Rich Alderson were elected to the Committee after Angela Soffe and Debbie Garrett stood down.
There was then a discussion on the future of the CC6s and RR10s. New running clubs have requested to join the leagues, but the view was that this places too much demand on what limited parking is available. The possibility on whether the leagues should be split into separate East / West leagues was discussed and Kylie agreed to take the club's views back to the respective League committees.
The evening closed with the Awards ceremony, celebrating individual achievements of the 2014/2015 season. The full breakdown of the awards can be viewed here.
Highlights of 2015
As you've probably noticed, Rich has been doing a bit of filming over the course of the year. He has edited his clips into a short film which was shown at the close of AGM proceedings. It can now be watched below. Select the highest definition from the settings for the best picture - Enjoy!
Note - The two drone aerial shots and the footage of the North Pole Marathon were taken from other videos available on Youtube. The links are given below;
Southampton Half Marathon -
New Forest Drone Footage -
North Pole Marathon -