Joining Totton Running Club
We hope by looking at this page you're considering coming along to the club and we would love for you to join us. As you can see from our photos, Totton has a great mix of runners and it really doesn't matter if you're fast or slow, a running newbie or hardened veteran, love racing or just prefer a social run in the Forest. Whatever your approach to running, we think you'll enjoy running with us!
Many of your questions will (hopefully) be answered below, but if there's something you'd like to ask us, you can get in touch with us via facebook or the contact page.

Membership Form & Fees
When you decide to join the club, you'll need to complete the membership form which you can access via the link below. Our annual membership fee for the 24/25 Season is £45.00 This fee includes UKA affiliation (which gives you a discount on your race entry fees). Half-year (from October) is £30.00. Second claims also welcome £26.00 / £16.00.
You can hand your completed membership form to any committee member at training. Alternatively, you can email your completed form to our membership secretary - You will receive a payment request email from England Athletics.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I come and try some sessions?
Yes! We welcome new members and understand how daunting it can be. Whilst you will find it hard to find a member who doesn’t enjoy coming to the club, we appreciate it may not be for everyone so we encourage you to come along for a couple of weeks to see if you enjoy yourself enough to become a fully signed up member. Which of course you will! Please note that for insurance purposes, after a few initial ‘taster’ sessions we will have to ask you to join the club.
How far do I need to be able to run?
There is no hard and fast rule for this! If you are new to running then we might suggest you join us initially for some of the shorter rep work. This will give you and the coaches a good idea of your fitness levels and as you become stronger you will be running the longer reps and social runs before you know it!
What do all the training sessions mean?
7654321, 400m efforts, 1-mile reps, tempo runs, meet & greet, etc! What do they all mean we hear you ask?! Click here to find out more!
Do I have to take part in races?
Definitely not! Over half of our club members simply enjoy training with us and have no intention of entering races. The other half of the club who race regularly will probably inspire you to join in the racing fun eventually though!
Who is on the Committee & what do they do?
Totton Running Club has a small committee of active members all of whom have their own role to play in the club. They meet on a regular basis to discuss the needs of the club and its members. Info on who is who and what they do can be found here. We also have many members who work alongside the committee volunteering their time in many ways from website management to social events.
How do I get hold of club kit?
Kevin Gardner is the man for the kit! Check out the kit shop for available kit and how to make your order.
What are the RR10s/CC6s?
The RR10 league is a series of races organised by running clubs in southwest Hampshire for their members. The races are held on Wednesday evenings during the spring and summer. The entry is free. All of the races are 4-5 miles off-road. The standard of runners varies from 5-minute milers to 12+ minute milers so, however fast you are, and so there will always be someone to run with. The CC6 league is the same concept as the RR10 but it’s the winter version and races are held on Sunday mornings (at 09:30am, but who likes lie-ins anyway?).
How fast do I need to be?
There is no upper or lower limit on speed. We hold a beginners course once a year for those totally new to running however if this does not fit in with when you wish to join then come along and run with group 5 to see how you feel. No one is left behind and groups often divide into smaller groups to accommodate the vast amount of abilities we have at the Club. Whether you can run a 6 minute mile or a 12 minute mile, it is still a mile!
How fast does each group run?
There are 5 groups at Totton Running Club. Generally speaking they are broken down in to the following abilities;
Group 1 – Race pace of below 7 minute miles
Group 2 – Race pace between 7 and 8 minute miles
Group 3 – Race pace between 8 and 9 minute miles
Group 4 – Race pace between 9 and 10 minute miles
Group 5 – Race of 10 minute miles plus
Who are the Club Coaches & what do they do?
Totton Running Club is very fortunate to have an extensive list of coaches – from run leader level up to level 2 coaching. For each session the aim is to have at least 2 active coaches per group. Details of club coaches can be found here.
How do we know what's going on at the club?
If you are on Facebook then be sure to like Totton Running Club! We post general chit chat, info on races, results and club sessions. If, however, you are not a Facebook user then add the TRC website to your favourite list and check back on the newsfeed. Our secretary sends regular emails regarding races, social events, etc so be sure to check your email address is up to date on records and check your emails regularly!
How do I enter races?
Most races are organised by other running clubs (we organise The New Forest Stinger every year) and you can usually enter online using links from their websites. A race schedule can be found here. As part of your membership at Totton Running Club you will be affiliated with England Athletics. Be sure to get your number from our membership secretary so you get discount on our race entry and score for Totton!