Totton had a good turnout of 52 runners (27 men, 25 women).
Congratulations to Steven Cox and Jill Hazleton for completing their first RR10 for Totton. Congratulations also to Brian Frampton for completing 100 RR10s.
It was good to welcome back Sarah Gordon, Mark Hayes and Michelle Price after missing last season.
It was a calm evening with the River Hamble at the lowest ebb I have seen, cool out of the sun and insect repellent hung in the air.
There were several strong finishes amongst the Totton runners- Jon Marsden and Kirsty Macbeth just two of many. Brian Frampton distinguished his landmark occasion with a skilful alignment on the final curve to keep his pursuer at bay, a manoeuvre successfully repeated by Jeanette Hiscocks

Below the results I have included the unofficial timings I took as runners finished.
Sophie Coady 19 Patricia Spodzieja 23 Kirsty Macbeth 47 Lisa White 52 Emma Pilbeam 60 Carly Lucas 62 Mandy Jones 85 Michelle Price 86 Rachel McCulloch 87 Jill Hazleton 96 Janet Foote 101 Louise Henning 104 Ann-Marie Vanderplank 116 Ally Driver 120 Lyn Hatchett 121 Sarah Gordon 123 Tanya Davis 133 Lynda Massey 135 Teresa Dodkin 138 Jeanette Hiscocks 144 Laura Harvie 148 Tina Mills 157 Dot Kennard 161 Alison Kaines 165 Maria Whitlock 191
Stuart Booth 44 Darren Anderson 65 Brian Frampton 77 Rob Kendall 85 Andrew Gates 110 Jon Marsden 114 Tony Lees 118 Jon Perrett 124 John White 125 Chris Barnes 152 Graeme Browning-Martin 173 Kevin Gardener 180 Ian Dodkin 186 Peter Ellis 206 Mike Gordon 209 Mark Hayes 213 Andy Mansfield 217 Denis Coady 225 Craig Taylor 229 Anthony Kendrick 240 Rob Barlow 245 Steven Cox 248 Simon Mason 270 Gary Melton 271 Mike Mills 275 Mark Whitlock 278 Paul Gale 280
Unofficial times
Stuart Booth 30.53 Darren Anderson 32.33 Brian Frampton 33.04 Rob Kendall 33.30 Andrew Gates 34.45 Jon Marsden 34.58 Tony Lees 35.08 Jon Perrett 35.34 John White 35.36 Sophie Coady 36.06 Chris Barnes 36.43 Patricia Spodzieja 36.49 Graeme Browning-Martin 38.10 Kevin Gardener 38.30 Ian Dodkin 38.45 Kirsty Macbeth 39.07 Lisa White 39.31 Emma Pilbeam 40.12 Peter Ellis 40.13 Mike Gordon 40.15 Carly Lucas 40.21 Mark Hayes 40.31 Andy Mansfield 40.58 Mandy Jones 41.58 Michelle Price 42.00 Rachel McCulloch 42.05 Denis Coady 42.20 Craig Taylor 42.59 Jill Hazleton 43.39 Janet Foote 43.58 Louise Henning 44.12 Anthony Kendrick 44.31 Rob Barlow 44.58 Ann-Marie Vanderplank 45.23 Ally Driver 45.29 Steven Cox 45.38 Lyn Hatchett 46.15 Sarah Gordon 46.22 Tanya Davis 47.22 Lynda Massey 47.33 Teresa Dodkin 48.13 Jeanette Hiscocks 49.05 Laura Harvie 49.41 Tina Mills 50.19 Dot Kennard 50.58 Alison Kaines 51.46 Simon Mason 55.22 Gary Melton 55.31 Mike Mills 57.55 Maria Whitlock 60.35 Mark Whitlock 60.36 Paul Gale 64.13
Next Race RR10 #4 Wednesday 31st May 19:30 @ Cadland Estate - Keep an eye on the events page for details.